Healthy & Affordable is a project existing since 2013, which aims to reduce the amount of food being wasted in Amsterdam, and in the Netherlands. As such, it aspires to become a social business by scaling up and creating more impact on society.
The great H&Aff changemakers have the wonderful task of collecting food from markets and farmers. Food which is no longer desirable from consumers because of its shape, size, and defects, but is still full of nutrients and good to eat.
After collecting it, changemakers have to transform the assorted varieties of food, by processing using different procedures, such as drying, freezing, or pickling. This makes it possible to store and sell that food, which becomes a consumable product, preventing its wasting.
The project is part of the endeavours of Sapient Social & Environmental Enterprises to create more sustainable solutions to challenges our society is facing. Also, Food Circle is partnering with Healthy and Affordable, to fight against food waste.
Helping achieve the SDG's has never been easier, just eat!
Tackling the challenge of food waste is socially vital since it affects the entire food value chain.
It is socially irresponsible to throw away 40% of the food we produce in the West.

Food waste is connected to several SDG's
and can have a wide influence on achieving these goals

Zero Hunger
Food Waste in the Netherlands is already part of the solution for the poor population. It was always done by the Voedselbank, but now also new food waste initiatives join and help supply more nutritious and fresh food to the poor.
Responsible consumption
and production
The problem of food waste has sources as well as implications on the entire global and local food supply chains. If food waste is brought to the centre stage, the inefficiencies in food production and distribution could be dealt with, and the process can become more sustainable.

Sustainable Cities
and Communities
Which city can be declared sustainable if it wastes food it imports from the countryside, and burns it and ditches it into landfills? Food waste solutions are necessary for cities and communities to become more sustainable.
Climate action
The food which goes to landfills or gets burned to create electricity releases greenhouse gasses such as methane, which is a contributor to climate change. Reducing the amount of food waste has a direct effect on the reduction of greenhouse gasses causing climate change.