Wasted Food Worldwide Rates
based on Agriculture, Postharvest, Processing, Distribution, Consumption
Every year some 2.9 trillion pounds of food -about a third of all that the world produces- never get consumed.
Along the supply chain fruits and vegetables are lost or wasted at higher rates than other foods.
Easily bruised and vulnerable to temperature swings en route from farm to table,
they’re also usually the first to get tossed at home.

Food Waste at Producers, Manufacturers, Wholesalers, Food Service,
and Retailers Level
The sectors contributing the most to food waste are households (47 million tonnes ± 4 million tonnes)
and processing (17 million tonnes ± 13 million tonnes).
These two sectors account for 72 percent of EU food waste, although there is considerable uncertainty
around the estimate for the processing sector compared to all the other sectors.
This is due to only four MS providing information of sufficiently high quality.
In addition, the differences in the normalized food waste amounts between the countries were great.
Of the remaining 28 percent of food waste, 11 million tonnes (12%) come from food service,
9 million tonnes (10%) come from primary production and 5 million tonnes (5%) come from wholesale and retail.