The Sapient team works hard to impact and involve as many people & organisations as possible, thus, there are many exciting daily tasks and we are open for suggestions for new directions we could take.
You are very welcome to try your best and obtain the experience you are seeking. We will tailor the internship to you. You will have the opportunity to meet new people and bring on-board to our network.
Duration and working hours:
You can choose the duration that suits you best but we require a minimum of three months. You can choose your own working hours as full-time or part-time as long as you strictly follow the program you set for yourself.
We have no fixed office and work from various places in Amsterdam like the VU (Vrij Universiteit), UVA (Universiteit Van Amsterdam), or OBA (Openbare Bibliotheek Amsterdam), as well as other co-working spaces in the city.

At Sapient, we have 2 projects which require engineering:
The first, which requires much less engineering work, is Healthy & Affordable, a food surplus initiative of Sapient. We collect food and dehydrate it, so it can last longer and be sold at a later date.
The 2nd project, requires mainly engineering work, electrical and mechanical engineering backgrounds are the most relevant. This project is Magnetic GEN, of SapientNRG, the sustainable energy branch of SapientSEE. Click here to learn more about our projects.
Requirements: teamwork, decision-making, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, research, experimentation, problem-solving, time management, strategic planning, design skills, creativity.
From web design via the Wix platform of our various websites through banners and posts for social media, ads, logos etc; to offline communication design such as banners, flyers, stickers, t-shirts and more. The trainee will be involved in all design work of all the different projects of Sapient. Furthermore, photography, videos, and the editing of those will be widely used as well. Click here to learn more about our projects.
Requirements: design skills, creativity, good communication, teamwork, knowledge of various design software (such as the Adobe Suite)

You will be creating content together with the design and video teams, post it, promote these posts, answer questions and communicate with members from different communities, create relationships with other pages and groups, and more. You will learn about new platforms you as well as sharpen your skills on the ones you already know in order to stay ahead of the game.
You will learn how to create plans for posts and promotion as well as how to execute the, as well as learn how to automate some of the tasks to increase the efficiency of the work process.
Click here to learn more about our projects.
Requirements: good communication, public relations, motivation and interest in social media entrepreneurship and/or social startups, marketing knowledge, design knowledge, spontaneous, action-oriented, knowledge of social media platforms (such as Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin), writing.
As a growing company, we need someone to handle and take care of the whole. We need someone able to deal with the many different projects, teams and individuals forming always very diverse teams. The talent coordinator will have to take care of a multitude of different tasks, from team building and management. The main task will be recruiting process and find new interns ( we call them “Padawans”) and volunteers. Click here to learn more about our projects.
Requirements: good communication, team work, writing skills, public relations, action-oriented, takes initiative, good at bringing people together, empathic, event organization.

Healthy & Affordable products are already being sold in quite a few locations, but the management of these sales together with its project leader, are vital for the growth of the project. We sell mostly online, and there are a few more platforms we would like to use, and this will be part of what this position entails. You will be able to create logistical solutions to manage our sales better, find new selling locations, collect data regarding our sales, analyse it, and improve.
You will also handle our customer care, make sure they are satisfied, and find ways to do what we do even better.
Click here to learn more about our projects.
Requirements: good communication, sales knowledge, creating good reports, negotiation, problem-solving, data-collecting, analysis skills, handling customers.
We have many projects and need some fresh hands and brains to help us lead them forward. From sustainable energy related, digital democracy to food waste. According to your skills and our needs, you will be able to choose one of our projects to coordinate.
From the general operation to the online presence, passing by handling and growing the team(s), you'll be the one in charge!
Click here to learn more about our projects.
Requirements: good communication, team work, team leading, public relations, action-oriented, takes initiative, organizing meetings, empathic, time-management skills.

We produce many types of artistic content to promote the social and environmental goals of Sapient as well as increase our reach. We make designs, videos as well as animations. We are looking for skilled 3D animators passionate to visualize what we do here at Sapient and make these goals into reality.
As a 3D Animator you will be creating a new dimension to the Sapient brand, showing our products, inventions and ventures in a new light.
There are many opportunities for you to express your creativity at Sapient. Your work can be related to all kinds of different subjects from sustainable energy, democracy, food waste, climate change to Sapient’s culture, our Padawans and all types of marketing of the company.
Click here to learn more about our projects.
Requirements: design skills, creativity, good communication, teamwork, knowledge of at least one 3D software (Blender, Maya, Cinema 4D, Zbrush or similar 3D programs) and rendering.
In this position you will be able to create opportunities for Sapient, help us understand trends and eco-systems, help our network and partners with research for their purposes, advance the knowledge base of Sapient, and create Knowledge banks which will be open source and public for others to use.
In creating opportunities for Sapient, you will be searching for relevant events, competitions, funding applications, networks and tools, potential members for our own networks such as new food surplus organisations to join Food Circle, and more.
Our partners and network members have research needs to try to help with as well, and this will be your task, and by fulfilling it you’ll be enriching our relationships further.
Finally, you will be able to create information banks, which could be used by others to use the knowledge you have gathered.
You might also be involved in some legal research into matters concerning Sapient and/or our partners and networks.
Click here to learn more about our projects.
Requirements: excellent communication skills, organization and ability to work to deadlines, appetite for research and finding the needle in a haystack, great attention to detail.

In this position, you will be responsible for developing an improving the existing and researching new ways of raising funds for Sapient. It includes activities in different departments and areas.
You will be searching for relevant events, competitions, funding applications, tools and potential networks that could be helpful and valuable in that area.
Although our main focus is not profit, we need sources of income to help our missions and projects grow and develop. There are many ways of going about that matter and you will be involved in all the processes connected to raising funds for Sapient.
Click here to learn more about our projects.
Requirements: good communication, great creativity, planning skills, organisation and strategic thinking.
Sapient gives workshops to social businesses and ‘do good’ corporates as well as organise events for these clients and partners, for them, or in partnership with them.
The workshops need to be scheduled, organised and promoted, and so do the more external events, but in a slightly different way. Of course we have more freedom to change and experiment during our own events, which requires some creativity, and in any case, this position carries a lot of responsibility, tight time & expectation management, and ability to execute within deadlines.
Sapient is also the proud sponsor of MakeSense in the Netherlands, therefore we also have the following events to take care of, organise, promote, follow-up, etc:
- Monthly SEF (Social Entrepreneurship Friday) every 1st Friday of the month
Monthly SD (SenseDrink) every 3rd Thursday of the month
Hold-ups - brainstorm session to solve challenges of social entrepreneurs
SenseFiction - hackathon session to create social businesses from ideas
SenseCamp - a yearly conference of MakeSense
Click here to learn more about our projects.
Requirements: time management, creativity, working to tight deadlines, organization skills and attention to details, strategic thinking, great communication skills.

Believe in a better world. Environmentally friendly. Social, passionate about social business and other initiatives in the Netherlands and around the world, equality for all. Positive impact oriented. Sharing economy promoter. A believer in a fair society. Rational, logical, good-hearted. Anti food waste. Believe in a better democracy. Know that every individual can create positive impact?
Yes to all ? Wow, then you are more than welcome to join us!
Please send your CV and motivational letter to:
Be sure to mention “Internship application [position]” and the "dates" when you will be available to join us in the subject header.
Note: Make sure to send us an email prior to booking an interview.
We are looking foward to hearing from you! :)